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The Psychiatry Association of Rio Grande do Sul

The Psychiatry Association of Rio Grande do Sul (Associação de Psiquiatria do Rio Grande do Sul – APRS) is a civil society, non-profit organization based in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil. The APRS is an affiliate of the World Psychiatric Association.



To bring together Psychiatrists, Medical Psychiatrists in Training, Non-Psychiatrists, Undergraduate Medical Students in order to stimulate progress and disseminate this Medical Specialty.


The APRS aspires to be a model institution and a leader in Medicine in Rio Grande do Sul.


To provide activities which further and disseminate knowledge and develop abilities for the promotion of, and the work in, Mental Health.

Promote the prevention and treatment of Psychiatric Illnesses.

To encourage the defense of Mental Illness patients’ rights, as well as tackleing prejudices relating to mental illness.

To seek to attain gender equity in all of its areas of activity, particularly in the offices of Presidency, Department and Center Coordination, and in the participation in scientific activities.

To promote universal inclusion. To tackle intolerance and prejudice towards any kind of belief, sexual orientation or race.

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