Política de Privacidade
​ We, the Psychiatric Association of Rio Grande do Sul ("Association"), offer through our website a communication channel with the aim of improving the relationship between the Association and its associates and non-associates, in a transparent and collaborative way.
We have developed this document concerning the privacy and data protection of our users (“You”). When You access or interact with our website and services, we may keep some information (“Data” or “Personal Data”) about You. We have developed this Privacy Policy (“Policy”) in order to clarify how we may collect, use, share and store your Personal Data.
Acceptance of this Policy shall take effect when You Interact with the site or, when applicable, when You affirmatively agree to the use of your Personal Data For each of the purposes described by Us herein. Thus, You shall be aware and in complete agreement with the manner in which we shall utilize your information and your Personal Data. Should you not agree to this Policy, we ask that you please do not continue to use the website We only ask that you explain the reason for your disagreement so we can improve our website.